Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy Hour

Happy Friday Friends and Happy New Year!
Happy 1st Friday of the New Year!
Its a new year, Fresh Starts and Fresh Feels.
I thought it was most appropriate to give
you a taste of my New Year Happy Hour
as we all are trying to focus, feel great, and be our best.
Because if we are not trying to feel and be our best we are not living our best life. 
And let's face it...everyone is soul searching and making New Year's Resolutions.
For me I like feeling in control of my body which in turn helps me
to be in control of my mind. So controlling what goes in our bodies
is going to make a big impact. The old saying you are what you eat...
well there's a lot of truth to that. Anyone have that holiday bloat.
Feeling like the Christmas Cookies. Boo.
It's time to clean up. Detox. Feel your best!
Join me in trying the most amazing and delicious Fresh Juices.
It's trendy but I have my favorites for different days.
Meet Clean Juice made with lots of love.
Certified organic, raw, unpasteurized, and absolutely so beneficial.
Check out Clean Juice Here.
They offer so many different kinds of varieties of Fresh Juices 
at their bar. Some of my favorites include the Black, Yellow, Sweet Greens,
and Cashew Milk Latte. Try them. 
Make it a Clean Happy Hour.
Cheers to 2019!
Wishing you all Good Health, Happiness, and lots of Love!

"Dear Friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy
 in body as you are strong in spirit."
3 John 1:2

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